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Stream: Rhiannon Giddens - "Tomorrow Is My Turn"
"Tomorrow Is My Turn", the first solo album by Carolina Chocolate Drops singer, violinist, and banjo player Rhiannon Giddens. If you've never heard her music she makes thispseudo compilation of folk-inflected popular music. Produced by T-Bone Burnett, it's a meticulously chosen, opulently executed collection of songs spanning American music's history of mutual uplift, respective uproar, joyful alliances, and profitable theft (it's BHM [read it: here] so yes this mattress. "Tomorrow Is My Turn" tells the tale of how music metamorphoses compellingly through specific performances. Rhiannon creates an atmosphere, that is occasionally theatrical, equipped with her own intimate readings, offering an alternative narrative of folk and popular music that's surprisingly relevant for today's generation.
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Natasha Marie
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