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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Kim Kardashian-West truly broke the internet. It has been days since her controversial magazine cover for Paper Mag was revealed and social media is still abuzz with what is mostly ridicule and scorn. I can very clearly recall all of you caped crusaders flying to both Nicki Minaj's and Rihanna's defense when their nudity (semi or otherwise) caused unrest and undue scandal. I'm here to set the record straight: it's the SAME. FUCKING. THING. All of the nonsense about Kim not getting half the flack that Nicki received for her album cover is bullshit. Kim can't even BREATHE without getting attacked by all you keyboard thugs and internet hounds. Regardless of your personal feelings about Kim she IS a wife and her husband tweeted the photo so he's clearly on board with it. That's all that matters. It's an artistic photo. I think she looks beautiful. I've said this before and I will say it again: It's HER body and she can do with it what she sees fit. I believe this of all women [read my Sexual Equality post]. As a mother she will have to explain her actions to her daughter but again not our issue to deal with. Women have been posing in the nude for EONS. CENTURIES. Whether it's Playboy or Paper Mag, it's done. So why the shock and fake outrage? Women are exploited DAILY by men yet when we take control of the exploitation we're hoes and unfit mothers? The hypocrisy in that statement is mind boggling. I'm befuddled. How can you not love this art??? It's FLAWLESS:

I would also like to point out to you Einsteins that following the Rihanna debacle I highly doubt Instagram will be in a hurry to snatch down the photos of any celebrity without due wasn't a race issue. EVERYTHING ISN'T A RACE ISSUE!!! So the comparisons to Sarah Baartman and all the crocodile tears? GTFO. This is why we, as Blacks, get a bad name. You fake ass freedom fighters are always conducting the underground railroad and following the drinking gourd to freedom whilst shouting for Whites to give us, us free when it's UN-FUCKING-NECESSARY. I need you to chant your asses in a voter's registration line then picket your ass to the polls. You are the epitome of crying "wolf" and that is why the race card gets more invalidated day after day, year after year. Malcolm did not die for you to abuse "Any Means Necessary" with your blind and infuriating ignorance. Both women and men, of color and otherwise, pose in the nude. It's done on 'America's Next Top Model' every. Damn. Cycle. Why are we surprised? Because what? You don't like Kim Kardashian-West? Well I can guarantee you Kim doesn't give not one fuck about what you think of her. She started from the bottom now she is HERE and wish with all your might but she isn't going anywhere.
Let's redirect our energies, shall we? As women? Stop being a hater and a crab. You don't like nude shoots? Well don't pose in the nude. Straight like that. That doesn't mean other women can't and won't. As men? Appreciate the art and beauty that is the naked woman or go find you a nun to marry and stop calling women out of their names. It's sexist, ignorant, and personally I think you're a little bitch made. I tip my hat to Kim, Nicki, and Rihanna. They're all successful, beautiful, and moguls in their own right.
Nothing you say or do will change that so I bid you farewell with your miserable asses.

Natasha Marie

Natasha Marie
Written by Natasha Marie

Don't misplace your hate, help your fave. Tweet shade-free opinions to @iamnatashamarie.