My friend's big brother got killed by the police a few days ago and I always take these unlawful police shootings to the heart. I keep having those moments where I think my brother is next. I have 7 of them but you know my mom's son is my baby. I'm always so scared when he's outside. I wish he'd just stay in the house but you can't tell a 16 year old they can't live their life. He's such a good kid, I'm just scared that I'm gonna lose him one day to racist cop. I have bad dreams about everything, so much that I hate sleeping these days.
Concerned Black Woman
Dear Concerned Black Woman,
It's so hard having any Black male relatives (hell at this point females too!) in the times that we are living in but it's a sad reality, even at such a young age I fear for my nephew because he's so sheltered and so positive and doesn't know what life has in store for him. We just have to be positive, pray, and equip them with the best weapons possible to fend off likely attacks: knowledge. Make sure he knows the realities centered around being a Black male in America and not to do or say anything that can be perceived as threatening, even though for a White kid it wouldn't be. Until things are different we have to shrink ourselves in order to live. Swallow our pride and shrink ourselves in the face of adversity for survival's sake. Its a horrible yet necessary sentiment. Arm him with knowledge and strength but the patience and wisdom to know the difference. We also need to educate our non-Black friends as best as we can. This post from my friend Nikki [read: Black Lives Matter] speaks on that topic. Allies are definitely those that can be educated and learn from their mistakes. Racists, however, can't be reasoned with because they don't see the error in their ways.
Natasha Marie
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