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Friday, January 1, 2016

HAPPY NEW YEAR but more importantly BON ANE EPI JOU ENDEPANDANS to all of my Haitian (American) readers, friends and family!!!
Being that it is our independence day (I made my first solo pot of Soup Joumou!!!) I thought it only fitting to post the cover of Adele's "Hello" that Saskya Sky did in creole. I love it!
Enjoy your day everyone. Count your blessings, work on your vision boards, and always remember L'Union Fait La Force!

Natasha Marie

Natasha Marie
Written by Natasha Marie

Don't misplace your hate, help your fave. Tweet shade-free opinions to @iamnatashamarie.

1 comment:

  1. Very powerful voice. I don't know this language. Amazing! My blog: catalogspot
