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Friday, June 19, 2015

I have NOTHING but thee utmost respect for Jon Stewart. He's as real as they come and he gives it to you straight no chaser. In fact, one of his quotes has been my twitter header for as long as I can remember and I most definitely referenced him in my post about racism yesterday [Read it: here]. What I love most about him is that he utilizes his celebrity and platform to speak to those that look like him (EXTREMEMLY IMPORTANT!!!) about the injustices that Blacks suffer each and every day with no qualms about his "fanbase" or the potential from racists disguised as politicians and the media. He just tells the truth. There are no rose colored glasses. He understands his privilege versus the injustices that we suffer every, as he put it, 2 hours, daily. In short, Jon Stewart is AMAZING. Bless his heart. Watch his monologue below on yet another injustice: the #CharlestonShooting.

Natasha Marie

Natasha Marie
Written by Natasha Marie

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