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Monday, November 24, 2014

As I have previously stated I absolutely ABHOR repackaged music. Even more so when you're not BeyoncĂ©. I can not, for the life of me, name an artist that has been successful in doing so. Which brings me to Iggy. Bruh. "The New Classic" is not, is nowhere near, and probably will never be GOLD. Not PLATINUM but GOLD. Why would you ever force your album upon us, not once, but twice?!? Maybe you're hoping the success of your singles or your twitter beefs will aid in sales. I will admit cramming your album with features will help but I'm here to inform you that that's just not enough. Not to mention you are bold as hell and stupid AF to release on the same day as KING BEY and Eminem. Even Nicki Minaj, who is notably more successful than yourself, was smart enough to push her release date. And my empathy for you is next to none because you're somewhat ignorant, lowkey racist, and play the victim whenever someone dares to call you on your shit. However, I will review your album despite the fact that you rap about shit you know naught of. Besides, I never reviewed your original album so all of the old songs are new to me anyways.

Check out my "track-by-track" review of "Reclassified":

* denotes new track

1. "We In This Bitch"*
Perfect start to the album. It for sure let me know what was in store for me. A lot of missteps. It has an old school feel and she almost nails it but misses the mark, per usual. I see what you were trying to do though. Unfortunately,
2. "Work"
This song is catchy, great for the club, but annoying as shit if you ain't out somewhere twerking. The video makes me more than a little uncomfortable and her lyrics teeter into the inappropriate zone. I really wanna know how she lived in Australia, fr fr. I guess she wouldn't be famous if she rapped about kangaroos and Outback Steakhouse. Well get this work then Iggy...though misguided, misappropriated, and lowkey prostitution.
3. "Change Your Life" (Feat. T.I.)
Well for starters, I haven't checked for T.I. since "I Can't Be Your Man" so why is he here? This track actually bumps but I can see why it didn't get much love it lacks the je ne sais quois as a whole for mainstream impact. And it's shameful that she's damn near naked in that video and still isn't close to being vevo certified...but it looks to me that she just volunteered as tribute in the "Illuminati Games" so maybe her sales will be alright this time around.
4. "Beg For It" (Feat. Mo)*
The chorus is the best part. I'm here for Mo. I like her voice. But if all her live performances are gonna be like that trash ass 'SNL' performance with Iggy then you can keep the both of their asses.
5. "Black Widow" (Feat. Rita Ora)
I was never really a fan of Rita Ora because I didn't know any of her songs but she definitely stole the spotlight from Iggy on this track. She's the reason I actually like the song. I just wanna cut and paste her parts and put them on a loop. SLEIGH. And the lyrics are me lol all the way I'm gonna love ya, until you hate me/And I'm gonna show ya, what's really crazy
6. "Trouble" (Feat. JHud)*
I for real REALLY want JHud to succeed but she absolutely refuses to GTFO the disco era and be TF great. Like BRUH THAT SHIT IS NOT TF WORKING FOR YOU!!! How can you not see that?! You have sooo much potential but your team is chock full of dumbasses! They take flop ass disco and make a flop ass track. Now EVERYBODY is flopping. TF JHUD?!?
7. "Don't Need Y'all"
Wow. This song. She's not being extra or obnoxious. I need MORE of this from her. Now if only we could get her to rap in her normal voice and accent and stop putting on for the masses then she'd be on to something. And finally when she says
I could believe her.
8. "Rolex"
Ok. Hands down the best Iggy song ever. Raw, real, and HER truth. That's probably why it comes across so relatable. She finally experienced something she rapped about. Go Iggy!
9. "Iggy SZN"*
This is utter TRASH. And I saw some people saying that they liked it on twitter so I went into this optimistic and open minded. Naw. If this is "Iggy season" then that bitch has got to exit, post haste. This song hit me like an avalanche and I'm still buried under this mountain of bullshit. Iggy over there with the aux cord like
10. "Fancy" (Feat. Charli XCX)
This catchy ass song makes me sick because when it comes on the radio I be like
And I hate myself for it...
11. "Heavy Crown" (Feat. Ellie Goulding)*
Elle and Iggy don't mesh well. This is like the off brand to EMPRESS ONIKA's "Bed of Lies". Speaking of Onika, I hear this is "allegedly" a diss track to which I'm sure Onika will pay her alllll the dust as she should.
12. "Bounce"
She could've kept every last bit of this track. And I would comment on that racially insensitive video of hers but, alas, we know Iggy has no idea when she's being an ass or misappropriating cultures so I'm just gonna leave this here...
I've finally figured out what makes me detest Iggy, after being forced to listen to her tracks back to back, besides all of the very blatant and obvious reasons I mentioned in my post. Her voice. No, not the accent, or lack thereof, but literally her voice. It's nasally and annoying. That's not how she sounds when she speaks so perhaps if she stopped trying so hard to be something that she is not, her rap voice and persona wouldn't be so gahtdamn abysmal. Personally, she could've kept this recycled ass album. We got it the first time around -- and ignored it -- you didn't have to regift it to us. In my opinion, Iggy should have just released a 5 track EP and been done with it.

Anywho, if you have an excess of time and money to be wasted "Reclassified" is online and in stores.

Natasha Marie 

Natasha Marie
Written by Natasha Marie

Don't misplace your hate, help your fave. Tweet shade-free opinions to @iamnatashamarie.